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The Top Ten Schools in France and French Lycée in London Baccalauréat Results

By No author


The Top Ten French Schools according to their Baccalauréat Results - 2011

1. Louis-Le-Grand (Paris V (75)– State School)
2. Henri IV (Paris V (75) – State School)
3. Lavoisier (Paris V (75) – State School)
4. Ecole active bilingue J. Manuel (Paris XV (75) – Public School)
5. Sainte Marie (Neuilly s/Seine (92) – Public school)
6. Hoch (Versailles (78)– State School)
7. Massillon (Paris IV (75) – Public School)
8. Condorcet (Paris IX (75) – State School)
9. Claude Monet (Paris XIII (75) – State School)
10. Albert de Mun (Nogent s/Marne (94) – Public School)
It is interesting to note that out of the top 10 schools, only 4 are public schools.
In comparison, the French Lycée Charles de Gaulle in London also achieved some amazing results, the best in 10 years with only one students out of 178 failing and as many as 90% of students receiving a distinction (34% Mentions Tres Bien, 30% Bien, 26 Assez Bien).
Baccalauréat Results 2011


Admis % TB B AB

Total des


L (Littérature) 15 15 100 1 6 7 14
ES (Economie) 68 67 98.52 13 22 22 57
S (Scientifique) 95 95 100 46 25 18 89
Totaux 178 177 99.43 60 53 47 160


12/10/2012 - babette.donneve said :

Ma fille Laurie étant actuellement au lycée Jean-Perrin de Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole pour un bac pro secrétariat, où elle a eu dernièrement son BEP, elle aimerait ensuite se diriger vers le secrétariat événementiel et se perfectionner en anglais, j'aimerais donc savoir les modalités d'acceptation de l'élève, ainsi que le coût d'admission. Avec mes sincères remerciement. Mme DONNEVE

23/08/2012 - rsunshine24 said :

how do i find out about how good a schools reputation is?Is there a site that exists?For example croissy sur do the schools fair?

07/11/2011 - julietteandco said :

Not only 75 region but Greater Paris only. Sadly french life is still very centralised.

28/07/2010 - patriciaconnell said :

I know this sounds strange but this is truly the case. Of course, there are some other great schools but in terms of the top ten, 7 out of 10 are located in Paris.
In the UK, it seems that 5 out of 10 are located in London (Westmninster, St Paul's girls and St Paul's boys, North London Collegiate, City of London)
Let's not forget that the top French Universities and business schools are also situated in Paris or around Paris.

28/07/2010 - vnhoover said :

Why are the top ten french schools only in #75 region????
I Can't believe there aren't good results elsewhere in France!

07/07/2010 - LoreneEnnis said :

great site really informative i learned a lot great stuff keep it up


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