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Shortage & Surplus in the market place


French linguists: Shortage & Surplus in the market place

The graph above shows a clear comparison between demand and supply of French linguists in certain sectors in the UK’s and Ireland's Employment market place.

According to our figures, among analysed industries there is a shortage of French linguists for the following industries: Accounting, Banking & Finance, Customer Service, IT & Sales. The biggest shortage in the market place is identified for French Linguists requiring Customer Service Skills. From 24% of vacancies, which require French Linguists with Customer Service skills, there are only 1 candidate out of 3 who apply for these vacancies, causing a shortage of French linguists with Customer Service skills. Similarly a large gap between demand and supply can be seen for French Linguists needed in the Sales Industry. Compared with 20% vacancies, there are only 1 candidate out of 5 with sales experience. Therefore, causing a shortage of French Linguists suitable to work in the Sales Industry.

On the other hand, as shown in the graph, there is an oversupply of French Linguists for some sectors. The most apparent is within the Translating & Interpreting Industry. With a total of 1% vacancies, there are 10% candidates available with these skills. Another oversupply of candidates is apparent in the Leisure & Tourism sector. With only 3% vacancies, there are a total of 9% candidates available.

The Chart and analysis are provided by
No1 supplier of language speakers  into the UK and Ireland employment market


13/06/2010 - jadorvivre said :

The problem with people with language skills, especially teachers and translators, is that they are not paid enough. It is such a shame that this skill of speaking several languages is not acknowledged in the pay.


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